Facility Rules

  1. All climber must have a valid and complete waiver on file in order to participate in any activities at Adrenaline Climbing. For participants under the age of 18 the waiver form must be completed by their parent or a court ordered legal guardian. Our waiver form can be found at the top of our page/under the sub menu on mobile or by CLICKING HERE. All participants must present valid State/Federal ID of the signing party of the waiver. Minors must either be accompanied by the parent who submitted the Waiver, or they may present a picture of the signing parent's I.D. (captured most easily on a cell phone).

  2. All participants must be certified in order to use our auto belay / top rope climbing & belay / lead climbing & belay stations. More information on all classes and testing for certification can be found on our Adult Classes Page

  3. While in the facility make sure to stay in the blue carpet unless climbing. The grey carpet is the climbing/fall zone and should only be entered when a clear line of sight of the entire wall is possible and then only to climb. Please do not hang out / sit down in the climbing/fall zone.

  4. No food or drink allowed on the climbing floor.

  5. All climbers must wear proper equipment to climb including climbing shoes, harness (for rope climbing).

  6. No running or horseplay in Adrenaline Climbing.

  7. No cursing, derogatory language, or harmful words of any kind will be tolerated in Adrenaline Climbing.

  8. Be safe and have fun!

Youth Participant Rules

  1. All above rules for the facility also apply to youth participants.

  2. Youth under 13 years of age are not allowed to top rope belay unless part of Adrenaline climbing Youth Team/Scouting programming.

  3. Youth under 13 years of age are only allowed to boulder as high as they can reach unless part of Adrenaline Climbing Team/Class programming.

  4. Youth under 16 years of age are not allowed to lead climb/belay unless part of Adrenaline Climbing Youth Team programming.

  5. Youth under 16 years of age must be accompanied and have someone in facility at all times that is at least 16 years of age.

Adrenaline Climbing reserves the right to amend, add, alter any of the facility rules listed or not listed on this page at any time. Failure by any guest to abide by our facility rules will result in them loosing climbing access at Adrenaline Climbing.